National Typewriter Co., Philadelphia, 1889 – serial no.4839

National 2 typewriter

The National 2 typewriter is a compact, unique, and beautiful typewriter. Its type bars hang down in a semi-circle to strike the underside of the platen. The hinged carriage must be lifted to reveal what has been typed.

There are two shift keys, uniquely moving the whole keyboard assembly forwards and backwards.

The National 2 typewriter has a slightly wider profile than model 1 (which can be seen in the collection section) but the most distinctive aspect when comparing the two models is the wide space bar on Model 2 with the narrow space bar on model 1.

This typewriter originally sold for $60.00.

“NATIONAL TYPEWRITER – Irrespective of Price The Best.”

“Smallest and most comprehensive double-case finger-key Typewriter.”