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Lambert 1 Typewriter

Photograph of the Lambert 1 typewriter.A short video of the Lambert working.

The Lambert typewriter is a beautiful machine with a most unique design. Frank Lambert, a French immigrant, spent seventeen years developing his typewriter. The first patent was in 1884 and it came to market in 1896. The typewriter sold well in America and Europe for a number of years.

One types by pushing down on one of the character buttons, causing the whole spring-loaded disk to tilt down. Underneath, just above the typing point, is a convex vulcanite disc (shown below in detail) with all of the characters molded onto its surface that makes contact with the paper. The large middle knob is for spacing.

The lever protruding out from the 9:00 position was shifted to three positions, giving three characters for each ‘key’, for example U, u, and 2.

The Lambert is frequently stated to be a favourite amongst collectors and it is clear to see why.

This typewriter originally sold for $15.75 to $25.00.

“The least machinery yet for a typewriter. Better than any $100.00 machine for usual work.”

“To Editors, Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians, Students, Commercial Travelers, Everybody, A joy Forever.”

“Ignore the price in passing judgement. The Lambert is superior to $100 typewriters in all essential points — beauty of writing, speed, uniformity of alignment, ease in operating (learned in a day), portability, constant readiness for work. THE LAMBERT TYPEWRITER For Almost Everybody.”