Duplex Typewriter Co., Des Moines, Iowa, 1892 – serial no.1926

Front view of theJewett 1 typewriter.


The Jewett 1 is the successor to the Duplex 2 and is a very finely built typewriter with beautifully machined parts.

Being an understrike typewriter, one lifts up the carriage to look underneath to see what has been typed. With no shift key in the design, each key has just one character, a double keyboard is required.

The Jewett had a successful run with models 1 through 5 being made.

“Best in the world! The good points of all other single centre typewriters, and none of the defects, are embodied in a most scientific and thoroughly practical manner in The Jewett Typewriter.”

“It possesses points of superiority that recommend it to all businessmen.”