Joseph Edland stated his objective was “to produce a type-writer of few parts which is specially adapted for private use, and which may be easily and correctly operated by one who is not familiar with type-writering”. This would have been a most appropriate user, as the Edland typewriter is awkward and very slow to use.
To type on this intriguing typewriter, one moves the index pointer around to a character and then pushes down. Under the index plate is a daisy wheel (pictured below) with each character on a flexible brass ‘finger’. These fingers are pushed to the paper when typing.
The Edland is made of a weak lead alloy and is painted in gold lacquer to give it a more refined look. The Edland typewriter, not surprisingly, did not sell well and is now a rare find. However that was not to stop their agents from expressing great optimism at the beginning of the venture.
“Gentlemen: – The Edland Typewriter received in good condition, and I am much pleased with it. I expect to introduce them in every office, home and family in this country. It is a marvel and a wonder to all who see it. A Movement is on foot in this State to make type-writing machines a branch of study in our Common Schools, and the Edland should be the one used, as its simplicity will soon enable any child to write. I will soon make application for five counties. Very respectfully, John A. Transue, Justice of the Peace and General Agent. – Paradise Valley, Monroe Co., PA, Oct. 11 1892.”
A very rare advertising circular with a lovely illustration of the Edland (back side shown in 2 sections) along with an instruction sheet (shown in 2 sections) are shown below.
This typewriter originally sold for $5.00.