Tilton Mfg. Co., Boston, 1888 – serial no.5293



A short video of the Victor working.

Many electric typewriters and some of the first computer printers used a daisy wheel in the 1970s and 80s but the first daisy wheel actually appeared on the exquisite Victor typewriter in 1889. A daisy wheel is a single type element that looks like a small bicycle wheel, with a spoke for each character. On the end of each spoke is the molded character.  A detailed image of the Victor’s daisy wheel is shown below.

To operate the Victor one puts the tip of the index finger into the small finger cup, on the end of the lever seen over the index of characters, and swings the lever back and forth to position over the character to type. When the lever moves, the daisy wheel rotates into position for the selected character. A lever, on the left,  is then depressed causing a small rod to push against the end of the brass spoke, causing the hardened rubber character to press against the paper to print. Inking is achieved with two small ink pads that rub against the characters as the daisy wheel turns.

The daisy wheel was only used on a very few 19th century typewriters, including the Edland in the collection.

Seen below is the very rare Victor Kit, which contains tubes for ink, oil and alcohol, along with two cleaning brushes. The advertisement for the kit is also shown.

This typewriter originally sold for $15.00.

“The points of excellence in the Victor are so manifest that the manufacturers will forward a machine for examination before purchase by express COD on receipt of $1:00.”