sold These typewriters were once part of the collection and are displayed here for your enjoyment and as a source of information.If you appreciate old technology and the beauty of vintage machines, you might find yourself inspired to acquire an early typewriter or two! Automatic Typewriter Bar – Lock 6 Typewriter Bennett Typewriter Blickensderfer 8 Typewriter Cahill Electric typewriter Caligraph – New Century 6 Typewriter Chicago 1 Typewriter Daugherty Typewriter Densmore 1 Typewriter Edelmann Typewriter Edland Typewriter Franklin 1 Typewriter Franklin 10 Typewriter Franklin 7 Typewriter Franklin 9 Typewriter Franklin New Model Typewriter Granville Automatic Typewriter Hammond 1 Typewriter Hammond 1 Typewriter with rare accessories Hammond 1b typewriter Hartford 2 Typewriter – serial no. 5193 Ideal Typewriter Jewett 4 Typewriter Keystone 2 Typewriter Merritt Typewriter Munson 1 Typewriter Munson 1 typewriter Munson 3 Typewriter National 2 Typewriter New American 5 Typewriter Pittsburg Visible Typewriter Postal 3 Typewriter Postal 5 Typewriter Rem-Sho 4 Typewriter Salter Standard 10 Typewriter Sholes Visible 1 Typewriter Standard Folding 1 Typewriter Sterling 1 Typewriter Sun Standard 2 Typewriter TYPO Typewriter Victor Typewriter Williams 1 Typewriter World 1 Typewriter Yost 1 Typewriter Yost 4 Typewriter